9 Tips for Building a Water Garden

9 Tips for Building a Water Garden

Building a water garden is fairly easy today, and probably not as costly as you might think. In return you get a peaceful place with beautiful plants and fish that will enhance your garden, delight your senses, and increase the value of your property. Whether you plan to build a simple pool with a couple of fish and water lilies, or a sophisticated fountain pond with waterfalls and lighting effects, the following tips will be useful.
  • Think twice before building Water Gardens in a cold climate, especially if you experience harsh winters. Cold weather is bad for the plants and fish, and can also damage the diffusers, the pumps, or the other equipment you might use. Unless you live in Alaska, you can build a water garden almost anywhere in America, but know that cold weather can increase maintenance costs substantially.
  • Chose a suitable location. Place your water garden where it looks best, but take into account other considerations as well. You don’t want to put it where it gets in the way, or where it will be disturbed, such as near the place where your children usually play football. Also, it should be away from trees, so that leafs will not fall on it and possibly clog the aeration system. But remember that you will need access to electricity for aeration and maintenance tools.
  • Prefer an above-ground pond if the soil is compacted and the water doesn’t freeze during the cold seasons. It doesn’t require digging, which often makes its creation a quicker and less messy affair.
  • Prefer an in-ground pond if you want a classic pond that looks well in all gardens, and is fairly easy to build and to maintain.
  • Make it large. It might seem strange, but a wide and deep pond is usually healthier for the plants and fish and easier to maintain for you than a small and shallow one, because the temperature and the chemicals in it are more stable all-year-long.
  • Make sure your pond is deep, but not deeper than 20 feet. Anything beyond that will increase costs as you will have to buy more advanced water aeration systems.
  • Avoid building a pond that has an odd shape. When your pond is not round, problems with the circulation of water might arise. Also, you will have to invest in more diffusers to ensure that aeration will be done properly.
  • Find a location that offers more shade than sun. Pond plants need sunlight, but fish require shade. Stone fountains or large rocks or fences are better sources of shade for a pond than a tree, because they don’t have leaves.
  • Buy the right fish. It’s usually best to buy the fish from local suppliers, as these offer varieties that are adapted to your climate. But you must also consider the type and size of your water garden. Do your research and ask the supplier for advice.
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